Saturday, August 31, 2019
Medical Care in the United States
Medical Care in the United States Paper ECO/ 372 Principles of Macroeconomics 26 September 2012 Mr. James Geffert The Medical Care in the United States Paper written by Team C will identify the background, policy, and impact of paid medical care. The comparison of Great Britain and Canada, the public health care budget is itself a ceiling; unlike the United States. The Medicare Payroll tax on investment income taking effect in 2012 will be expanded to include unearned income. The new healthcare bill is another attempt at making healthcare work for the citizens of the United States.The Senate worked for months over the bill, and came to a conclusion of what the bill will include. The Senate Health Bill will provide coverage for 94% of Americans with medical insurance. The health care bill is planned decrease the federal deficit by $127 billion in ten years, and reduces the deficit by $777 billion in twenty years. In the United States before the 1920’s most people were treated i n their home for illnesses. Only a few companies had offered health insurance to employees; most people paid out of their pocket. The doctors did not have enormous amount of information about diseases and their treatments.The advanced technology and knowledge of the diseases became necessary to bring patients into hospitals; caring for them properly. This medical cost of care was high and people could not afford it! The Great Depression made it worse for medical care in America. One of the first health care programs to help people with medical expenses came from Baylor hospitals in Dallas; converted to Blue Cross. The cost of care continued to rise due to medicine, science, and hospitals making advances in their ability to cure the sick. More people were turning to hospitals and doctors for care.The Blue Shield was and insurance covering services only doctors performed. This insurance started growing rapidly in the late 1930’s as a way for doctors to ensure they received comp ensation for work performed. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield were having more insurers began entering the healthcare market once they saw the success. During World War II due to the shortage in labor, more employers began to offer health insurance as a benefit. This benefit became standard for employers and the government encourages employer to do so through tax incentives.The tax incentives were operating most all other countries and starting national health care systems. The government pays for and regulates medical care services for its people nationwide. Currently no wealthy nation fails to provide a comprehensive health care system for its people that are free or inexpensive. The United States have roughly 50 million Americans, 16 percent of the population; no health insurance. The majority of the population that fall into this category is the relatively poor and most range in age from eighteen to thirty-four.The Studies have shown this number has increased dramatically since th e 1970’s. Research by the Kaiser Family Foundation finds â€Å"those without health insurance die younger or work less due to chronic health conditions, and face persistent personal financial problems brought on by illnesses;†published by Jeff Madrick in 2012. He also found that a Harvard Medical School study found some 45,000 deaths a year are associated with lack of health insurance. The static medical information found it difficult to live a normal healthy life without disease and illness; without access to proper medical coverage.For many people are forced to use a public hospital for treatment as a final recourse to a health issue usually do so too late. The costs for a neglected injury or a disease are astronomically high. The stats are 17 percent of the Gross Domestic Product for healthcare is being paid by one out of every six American. This number is much higher than any other wealthy nation by far and our health care system is not measurably better and often considerably worse. The health care reform is basically two Acts in which President Obama signed into law in 2010.The two acts are Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. The laws have the potential to ensure many Americans that cannot afford health care may be eligible for Medicaid benefits. The laws also ensured that individuals with pre-existing medical conditions have a better opportunity to obtain medical insurance thru their employer. Corporations will receive incentives for increasing their eligibility requirements on pre-existing medical conditions. The acts will be funded by increasing taxes on individuals that have an annual income of over $200,000.The government will tax individuals that have worked hard to ensure no financial help from the government. The government will ensure individuals income is enough to pay for their own medical care. These acts also state any individual does not have medical insura nce with their employer will be required to obtain an approved private party insurance policy. The individual without coverage will be penalized. The only individuals will be exempt from this act are those individuals that are members in a religious sect and are exempt by the Internal Revenue Service, or are in a financial hardship and have applied to be exempt.These acts are expected to take full effect by 2014. Then all individuals will be required to comply with the rules and regulation of these acts by that timeframe or pay penalties. There are many arguments over the Obama’s administration proposal for health care reform. Republicans and the Democrats are always disagreeing over each other’s ideas. The Obama administration suggest that there a specific areas that need to be addressed a dealt with when it comes to medical care. A few areas are cost, prevention and treatment of chronic conditions, and also a shortage of doctors and nurses.There is also many other ke y points that was addressed in the medical reform proposal. The specific areas that were mentioned needed to be addressed such as cost the administration felt the cost of insurance should be affordable so everyone is able to have medical insurance for themselves as well as their whole family. The shortages of doctors and nurses the Obama administration believes our country is in need of more doctors or nurses to provide care to all people in the entire country and as well as the doctors and nurses to accept all types of insurances.Prevention and treatment of chronic conditions were not always covered by insurance due to chronic pain because that is normally a preexisting injury. If an individual had a preexisting injury their insurance had the option to deny coverage to the patient. The forum must ensure all of the areas needed to be addressed and also approved so the individuals are affected by these specified areas. Thanks to the Obama administration individuals can afford their m edical insurance, can receive treatment for their chronic pains, and more doctors and nurses are available.In July 2010 Obama assigned Donald M. Berwick as administrator for Medicare and Medicaid. His idea during the time for medical care was no needless deaths, redistributing healthcare to all who are sick and tend to those who are less fortunate. Healthcare and medical care is very important. The working men and women with families, who are not in the middle class, require affordable healthcare. According to the Heritage Foundation, â€Å"President Obama care puts the health care system on the wrong track and will expand the role of the federal government in every component of Americans’ health care. President Obama care is the ongoing health care reform. The health care reform guarantees U. S. citizens that may not have insurance or not provided health insurance through their employer. It also requires U. S. residents to have health insurance whether through their employe rs or private separate insurance companies. This change is dramatic, especially to those who do not have healthcare and do not have to pay it. It is said that all U. S. citizens are mandated to have insurance and pay insurance even if they are not using it.Even businesses will be mandated to provide affordable insurance whether it is a large company or small business. Such proceedings are so important to American citizens because it is such a big transition, for any individual, in any circumstance. In England and Canada the health system is financed by general taxation revenue, including a small statutory insurance levy, and private payments. The Medicare provides access to subsidized medical services, subsidized pharmaceuticals, and free hospital treatment as a public patient. President Obama suggested to Congress minor adjustments to Medicare, he meant it.His proposed plan to Medicare and Medicaid will clean up the health care system and save $321 billion over 10 years. The plan d idn’t identify any proposals to fundamentally tackle Medicare's long-term structural problems. President Obama's budget proposal implies Medicare cost reduction has been implemented in a previous year's health care law. The plan seems to save now and pay in the later years. Congress will play a big part in future planning estimating seniors will pay twice a share of their health care costs out of pocket by 2030. REFERENCES:Obama Deficit Plan May Rely on Inflated Health Care Savings, National Journal; 9/24/2011, p7-7, 1p, Sanger-Katz, Margot New York Review of Books, Jeff Madrick, 2012; retrieved 09/22/2012; http://www. nybooks. com/articles/archives/2012/jun/21/obama-and-health-care-straight-story/ http://www. merriam-webster. com The Heritage Foundation. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. heritage. org/issues/health- care/obamacare Healthcare Czar in Obamacare. (2010, June). Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act , (), 17-18. Retrieved from http://www. cchfreedom. org/pr /ObamaCareCzar. pdf
Friday, August 30, 2019
Digital Business Environment
Introduction The scientists who developed the Internet probably did not realise their invention completely changed our world today. From how people communicating, connecting with social network, to how and where people work, Internet is now affecting our daily life in every dimension. Internet still and will continue change our life and behavior, according to data, nearly a third of world population are Internet user, and this number is still growing at an unprecedented speed (IWC, 2012).Internet affects almost every aspect of people daily activities, thanks to the Internet, people can virtually shopping without going out and get their items delivered to the doorstep in a matter of days. Information is now much more accessible over the Internet, people can share their life using blogging, and not to mention that business world has expanded to a whole new dimension. Company or individual can now target a much more wide consumers around the world. As much as the Internet has changed ou r personal lives, the business world has revolutionsied almost beyond recognition since the Internet era.Jeremy (2011) states the rise of Internet and other technologies is the start of Third Industrial Revolution. Although there is still ongoing debates about this theory, that the Internet has changed the face and pace of our modern business world. Hosted on the server, accessed using the Internet, the website or simply known as the site or web page, is one of the fundamental elements that forms the Internet we use today. It is also the most common way that a company or individual promote and conduct their business.This paper will thoroughly analyse and discuses a chosen website, the purpose is to take an insight to the digital business environment. Terms such as E-commerce, and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) will be mention and discuss. The technical details of how to build and maintain a website will not be discussed in this article. Overview The website chosen in this pa per is Oki-ni, before further analyse the company and the website, it is essential to understand some of the basic about website.Organised by function, a website may fall into one of these catalogue (Yuan, 2005) * A personal website, e. g. blogging * A commercial website, e. g. company website, such as Microsoft, Apple * A government website, e. g. NASA website, City Council website * A nonprofit organisation website, Greenpeace, or RedCross website According to this catalogue, Oki-ni is a commercial website. Another terms that need to understand is Electronic commerce, or commonly known as E-commerce. There are many different definition of E-commerce from different perspectives in different discipline.Mamta (2005) summarised that E-commerce is the process of buying and selling or exchanging of products, services and information via telecommunication and computer networks including Internet. Mamta (2005) further generalised that based on the types of parties (business, consumer, etc ) involved, E-commerce may be of the following types: * Business-to-Business (B2B) * Bsuiness-to-Consumer (B2C) * Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) * Consumer-to-Business (C2B) * Intrabusiness Based on that definition, Oki-ni is a B2C type of E-commerce, different from other B2C website, the Britain based company focused on high-end menswear.The name originated from a Japanese dialect, means ‘Hello’, Oki-ni was created to work with established brands and progressive designers, to offer innovative products to knowledgeable fashion consumers. In another words, Oki-ni sells more than clothing, but a life-style. The company also collaborated with other fashion brands such as Paul Smith, Adidas, to produce unique pieces. This paper will focus itself on evaluating the use and implementation of digital information system on the chosen website, applications on the website will be paid extra attention and thoroughly analyse, such as inventory system, newsletter, multimedia applications .Furthermore, the OVP (Online Value Proposition), Online revenue models and other factors will be critically reviewed. Using researcher’s extensive knowledge, the concept and application of CRM on the website will be analyse. Lastly, researcher will proposed some recommendations to improve the website followed by the digital business strategy. Analyse of The Website For E-commerce site, the primary purpose is to sell. However, most online retailers fell to the wrong direction when even building their website.They spent heavily on how to attract more visitors to the site and simply forgot what is the point if the consumer visited the site but not buying anything. There may be many factors that contribute and affecting consumers’ buying behavior, but the inappropriate implementation of information system is more often seen in business operation. Customer cannot locate the item they want, or found themselves cannot checkout with the system, modern information technology b rings a great convenient, however, sometimes it can be chaos without properly used.For an enterprise, it is critically important to aware its organisational goals and objectives as well as the implementation of information system. (Mehdi, 2006) For the company of Oki-ni, the website serve the purpose of sales and providing customer service. Thus, the inventory information and customer information are vital to the company’s lifeline. Furthermore, to provide an enhanced online shopping experience, the supply chain management, online information security, and multimedia interactive applications are equally important. Inventory ManagementWhen running an E-commerce, it is very easy to get caught up in other aspects and neglect the importance of inventory management. Ritendra (2008) emphasis that its crucial to run inventory management effectively for the business to be profitably. For Oki-ni, there are thousands of items and new items in stock everyday, how to manage it efficientl y become vital to the company, what’s more, it has two layers of meaning. Firstly, for the staff, effective inventory system should allow them to locate specific item easily, and overview the whole inventory to see which items are running low on stock, and which are the best selling.Secondly, for customer, the inventory system should provide an easy accessible. Oki-ni website provide a simply and minimalism searching interface for the customer, customer can search the items they looking for by their preferable method, such as, using keywords, sort it by color, price range, sizing, or different part of garment, or using alphabet-order brand list. On the top page of Oki-ni site, customer can easily find new arrivals or discount information. Customer Information Comparing with tradition in-store shopping, online retailer has the advantage on tracking, storing and anaylsing customer data.Oki-ni gathering customer information by encouraging customer registered with their e-mail ad dress. By using these e-mail addresses with the concerns of customer, Oki-ni sends out newsletters to customer. Newsletters are an effective way to build goodwill and keep in touch with potential customer (Janice, 2004). Customer received promotion, new arrivals and other information from the website. When comes to place order, for security and privacy concern, the company only takes the minimum information that required for delivering, such as address, telephone number.Internet is an ever-changing, competitive-intensive environment, the recently raise of new social network drew a lot attention. As a company aiming itself not only sales, but to promote a lifestyle, Oki-ni has extended its content to other different social-network, such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, customer can find sales information, new product on these social network. Also, Oki-ni can gather customer information on other platforms, it’s a win-win situations. Multimedia InteractiveOne of the major adva ntages of E-commerce comparing traditional retailing is convenience; customer can search for product and compare it, finally checkout in a short amount of time by just clicking the mouse, however, E-commerce has deprived its users of the reality (Vincent & Franck, 2004). Material color, texture, tactile impression, those physical details cannot be display or feel by the two-dimensional images and texts on a computer screen. Most people have on-line shopping experiences have those situations that sometimes the products they received are different from their expectations.In order to provide better shopping experiences, Oki-ni provide an enhanced multimedia interface. In every product description page, the website provides high-resolution photos of the products, customer can click zoom-in to see the details of the texture, and a short video to demonstrate the product. For music product, such as CD, preview services are provided. Critical Review In this part, the website’s OVP (O nline Value Proposition), ORM (Online Revenue Model) and target audience will be critically reviewed. Online Value Proposition What’s the Online Value Proposition?It is a statement of the benefits of e-commerce services that ideally should not be available in competitor offerings of offline offerings (David, 2006). Michael & Susan (2012) further states that in an E-commerce context the differential advantage and positioning can be clarified and communicated by developing an online value proposition. Simply speaking, OVP is the USP of the brand or the website, a strong OVP is a crucial way to attract new visitors into the site and decided to stay or leave, the decisions often made in minutes or even in seconds.Developing an OVP, involves: * Developing messages that reinforce core brand proposition and credibility * Communicate what a visitor can get from an online brand that other competitors can not offer or they cannot get offline (Micheal & Susan, 2012) Translate these theo ries into simply language, a good OVP should answer the questions ‘Why am I here? ’ ‘Does this site offer me what I need? ’ In the digital business environment, the competition is much fierce and intensive then ever before. How to stand out from the crowd in a matters of seconds when visitor first open the site become vital to success.There a great numbers of online clothing retailer, from high-street brand, such as Topshop, ASOS, to luxury brand, e. g. Net-a-porter, Browns. Being good is not enough to win the competition, a good OVP is essential for Oki-ni to survive in the competition. More than ten years passed the establishment of Oki-ni, the website is still focusing on menswear, more specifically, they aiming to discover and break the most inspiring brands and products available, while hosting them in an rich, inspiring and innovative environment. The home page of Oki-ni featuring a simplicity style filled with inspiration contents.Existing customer c an easily find what they want in a few clicks; in the meanwhile the video and music can attract the attention of new customer. The website keep updating its FEATURES section with vibrant and forward-thinking videos and music. There is no differentiated of so call ‘high-street’ or ‘luxury’ on Oki-ni’s product, customer can find shorts cost 20 pounds to a coat valued a few hundreds. But there is one thing in common, all product were carefully selected. Featuring more than cloth, customer can also buy books, CDs on the website.In order to keep a fresh look, Oki-ni redesign the website every six month, from layout to the content. To sum up, Oki-ni’s strong OVP is that they not only sell cloth, but the promote an innovation life-style. Online Revenue Model In the article, Business Models on the Web by professor Micheal Rappa (2006). He suggests that ‘business models are perhaps the most discussed and least understood aspect of the web. â€⠄¢ In this regards, he summarised the business model into the following * Brokerage * Advertising * Informediary * Merchant * Manufacturer * Affiliate Community * Subscription * Utility The revenue model may be different in these business model, some website get paid by doing advertising, some website generated income by subscription. In the case of Oki-ni, the revenue model is easy to identify, the company produce service and sell it to customer. When the revenues from sales exceed the operational cost, then the company gets profit. Comparing to store retailer, the website is relatively easier to operate. No rent, less labor cost, means the website can provide a much more competitive price than physical store.However, on the other hand, the maintaining of website post a great challenge to the company. Target Audience The company target a niche market of luxury product segment. Focusing on menswear only, the website sells a wide range of product from selective clothing line from Jap an, Italy, to limited edition CDs. There is no particular age range on the Oki-ni’s customers, the company targeting a small group who required a innovated and forward-thinking life-style, and willing to the pay a premium price for that.Customer Relationship Management The term of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is now much more frequently seen in the E-commerce article, what’s CRM? The followings are different CRM definitions by scholars CRM involves various different elements, which includes customer-prospecting, relationship with customers; interact between customer and business, understanding customer expectations, empowerment, partnerships, and personalisation, and son on. (Fjermestad & Romano, 2006).CRM is an enterprise approach to understanding and influencing behavior through meaningful communication in order to improve customer acquisition, customer retention, customer loyalty, and customer profitability. (Swift, 2006) So far, there is no universally ac cepted definition of CRM. It not a software or a service, it is an overall business strategy. Shanmugasundaram (n. d) identified that the three main components in CRM system, namely * Operational * Analytical * Collaborative Nowadays, not only global companies seeking helps from CRM, more and more SMEs (Small and Medium Size Enterprise) were implemented with CRMs.Oki-ni is no exceptional, the company used the first hand data not only to promote its product, but to provide a better service. From time to time, Newsletters were sent to customer, the content of those newsletters were not just about product information. Featuring styling tips, or invitations to special events, the company always try to encourage customer come to visitor site. Recommendation Running an E-commerce is far more complicated than just setting up a website, other than the business and the customer, it involves many their parties, such as vendor, supply chain, banking.Researcher found a rather interesting phenom enal when customer rated Oki-ni’s service, some customer give top rate on both delivery speed and money transaction. However, on the other hand, some customer extremely disappointed on their service quoted ‘the clothes arrived and were excellent although delivery is very slow’ (Ciao, 2007). The inconsistence performance may due to the delivery company and Oki-ni should try to avoid in the future. Moreover, there is more potential of the CRM waiting to be discovered. Oki-ni using CRM mainly on providing customer ervice and promoting products, CRM is much more than customer service, researcher suggest the company analyse the customer’s shopping behavior, such as what kind of brand they like the most, how frequently they shopped on the site, etc. to improve customer shopping experience. The company can also use the data to collaborative with other parties, such as bank, to improve online payment security, or delivery company, to improve performance. Lastly, t he competition of digital business environment is much more intensive than ever before.The OVP (Online Value Proposition) may be seems strong and unique at this moment, with successful of Oki-ni, more and more website will try to follow the same model. How to maintain the competitive edge is vital for the company’s future. Conclusion By discussing and critically reviewed the Oki-ni’s website, this paper take an insight into the digital business environment. In the Internet era, trading become much more easier, even individual can set up a website with the know-how and the equipment. However, the competition is much more intensive.E-commerce is a complex term that involved many aspects, the terms and concepts researcher discussed in this paper barely scratch the surface. with the fast advancing technology, new issues now raised, such as legal issue and Internet security. Concepts of CRM, Online business model may need further investigation in the future. Reference: Ciao . (2007). Review of Oki-ni. com. Available from: http://www. ciao. co. uk/Reviews/Oki_Ni_com__5315436 [Accessed 10 Nov, 2012]. Fjermestad, Jerry, and Nicholas C. Romano. (2006) Electronic Customer Relationship Management. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe,. Print. pp. 121-65 Internet World Stats, 2011. World Internet Usage Statistics News and World Population Stats. Available from: http://www. internetworldstats. com/stats. htm [Accessed 12 Nov. 2012]. Janice,Reynolds (2004). ’The Complete E-Commerce Book: Design, Build & Maintain a Successful Web-Based Business’. NewYork, Taylor & Francis. Print. pp. 268+. Jeremy, Rifkin. (2011). ‘The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World’. London, Palgrave Macmillan. Mamta, Bushry. (2005). ‘E-commerce. New Delhi, Firewall Media. Print. pp. 69 Mehdi, Khosrow-Pour. (2006) ‘Cases on Electronic Commerce Technologies and Applications. Hershey’, PA: Idea Grou p. Michael, Rappa (2006). ‘Business Models On the Web’. Available from: http://digitalenterprise. org/models/models. html [Accessed 9 Nov, 2012]. Ritendra, Goel. (2008) ‘Electronic Commerce Technology and Prosecpts. ’ E-commerce. New Delhi: New Age International Pvt. Swift, Ronald S. (2000) ‘Accelerating Customer Relationships: Using CRM and Relationship Technologies. ’ Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR. Print. pp. 25+Shanmugasundaram, S. (N. d) ‘Customer Relationship Management: Modern Trends And Perspectives’ New Delhi. PHI learning, Ltd. Vincent, Roca & Franck Rousseau. (2004). ‘Interactive Multimedia and Next Generation Networks: Second International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems’. Springer. Available from: http://www. springer. com/computer/information+systems+and+applications/book/978-3-540-23928-4? cm_mmc=Google-_-Book%20Search-_-Springer-_-0 [Accessed 8 Nov 2012]. Yuan, Gao (2 005). ‘Web Systems Design And Online Consumer Behavior’. London, Idea Group Inc. Digital Business Environment Introduction The scientists who developed the Internet probably did not realise their invention completely changed our world today. From how people communicating, connecting with social network, to how and where people work, Internet is now affecting our daily life in every dimension. Internet still and will continue change our life and behavior, according to data, nearly a third of world population are Internet user, and this number is still growing at an unprecedented speed (IWC, 2012).Internet affects almost every aspect of people daily activities, thanks to the Internet, people can virtually shopping without going out and get their items delivered to the doorstep in a matter of days. Information is now much more accessible over the Internet, people can share their life using blogging, and not to mention that business world has expanded to a whole new dimension. Company or individual can now target a much more wide consumers around the world. As much as the Internet has changed ou r personal lives, the business world has revolutionsied almost beyond recognition since the Internet era.Jeremy (2011) states the rise of Internet and other technologies is the start of Third Industrial Revolution. Although there is still ongoing debates about this theory, that the Internet has changed the face and pace of our modern business world. Hosted on the server, accessed using the Internet, the website or simply known as the site or web page, is one of the fundamental elements that forms the Internet we use today. It is also the most common way that a company or individual promote and conduct their business.This paper will thoroughly analyse and discuses a chosen website, the purpose is to take an insight to the digital business environment. Terms such as E-commerce, and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) will be mention and discuss. The technical details of how to build and maintain a website will not be discussed in this article. Overview The website chosen in this pa per is Oki-ni, before further analyse the company and the website, it is essential to understand some of the basic about website.Organised by function, a website may fall into one of these catalogue (Yuan, 2005) * A personal website, e. g. blogging * A commercial website, e. g. company website, such as Microsoft, Apple * A government website, e. g. NASA website, City Council website * A nonprofit organisation website, Greenpeace, or RedCross website According to this catalogue, Oki-ni is a commercial website. Another terms that need to understand is Electronic commerce, or commonly known as E-commerce. There are many different definition of E-commerce from different perspectives in different discipline.Mamta (2005) summarised that E-commerce is the process of buying and selling or exchanging of products, services and information via telecommunication and computer networks including Internet. Mamta (2005) further generalised that based on the types of parties (business, consumer, etc ) involved, E-commerce may be of the following types: * Business-to-Business (B2B) * Bsuiness-to-Consumer (B2C) * Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) * Consumer-to-Business (C2B) * Intrabusiness Based on that definition, Oki-ni is a B2C type of E-commerce, different from other B2C website, the Britain based company focused on high-end menswear.The name originated from a Japanese dialect, means ‘Hello’, Oki-ni was created to work with established brands and progressive designers, to offer innovative products to knowledgeable fashion consumers. In another words, Oki-ni sells more than clothing, but a life-style. The company also collaborated with other fashion brands such as Paul Smith, Adidas, to produce unique pieces. This paper will focus itself on evaluating the use and implementation of digital information system on the chosen website, applications on the website will be paid extra attention and thoroughly analyse, such as inventory system, newsletter, multimedia applications .Furthermore, the OVP (Online Value Proposition), Online revenue models and other factors will be critically reviewed. Using researcher’s extensive knowledge, the concept and application of CRM on the website will be analyse. Lastly, researcher will proposed some recommendations to improve the website followed by the digital business strategy. Analyse of The Website For E-commerce site, the primary purpose is to sell. However, most online retailers fell to the wrong direction when even building their website.They spent heavily on how to attract more visitors to the site and simply forgot what is the point if the consumer visited the site but not buying anything. There may be many factors that contribute and affecting consumers’ buying behavior, but the inappropriate implementation of information system is more often seen in business operation. Customer cannot locate the item they want, or found themselves cannot checkout with the system, modern information technology b rings a great convenient, however, sometimes it can be chaos without properly used.For an enterprise, it is critically important to aware its organisational goals and objectives as well as the implementation of information system. (Mehdi, 2006) For the company of Oki-ni, the website serve the purpose of sales and providing customer service. Thus, the inventory information and customer information are vital to the company’s lifeline. Furthermore, to provide an enhanced online shopping experience, the supply chain management, online information security, and multimedia interactive applications are equally important. Inventory ManagementWhen running an E-commerce, it is very easy to get caught up in other aspects and neglect the importance of inventory management. Ritendra (2008) emphasis that its crucial to run inventory management effectively for the business to be profitably. For Oki-ni, there are thousands of items and new items in stock everyday, how to manage it efficientl y become vital to the company, what’s more, it has two layers of meaning. Firstly, for the staff, effective inventory system should allow them to locate specific item easily, and overview the whole inventory to see which items are running low on stock, and which are the best selling.Secondly, for customer, the inventory system should provide an easy accessible. Oki-ni website provide a simply and minimalism searching interface for the customer, customer can search the items they looking for by their preferable method, such as, using keywords, sort it by color, price range, sizing, or different part of garment, or using alphabet-order brand list. On the top page of Oki-ni site, customer can easily find new arrivals or discount information. Customer Information Comparing with tradition in-store shopping, online retailer has the advantage on tracking, storing and anaylsing customer data.Oki-ni gathering customer information by encouraging customer registered with their e-mail ad dress. By using these e-mail addresses with the concerns of customer, Oki-ni sends out newsletters to customer. Newsletters are an effective way to build goodwill and keep in touch with potential customer (Janice, 2004). Customer received promotion, new arrivals and other information from the website. When comes to place order, for security and privacy concern, the company only takes the minimum information that required for delivering, such as address, telephone number.Internet is an ever-changing, competitive-intensive environment, the recently raise of new social network drew a lot attention. As a company aiming itself not only sales, but to promote a lifestyle, Oki-ni has extended its content to other different social-network, such as Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, customer can find sales information, new product on these social network. Also, Oki-ni can gather customer information on other platforms, it’s a win-win situations. Multimedia InteractiveOne of the major adva ntages of E-commerce comparing traditional retailing is convenience; customer can search for product and compare it, finally checkout in a short amount of time by just clicking the mouse, however, E-commerce has deprived its users of the reality (Vincent & Franck, 2004). Material color, texture, tactile impression, those physical details cannot be display or feel by the two-dimensional images and texts on a computer screen. Most people have on-line shopping experiences have those situations that sometimes the products they received are different from their expectations.In order to provide better shopping experiences, Oki-ni provide an enhanced multimedia interface. In every product description page, the website provides high-resolution photos of the products, customer can click zoom-in to see the details of the texture, and a short video to demonstrate the product. For music product, such as CD, preview services are provided. Critical Review In this part, the website’s OVP (O nline Value Proposition), ORM (Online Revenue Model) and target audience will be critically reviewed. Online Value Proposition What’s the Online Value Proposition?It is a statement of the benefits of e-commerce services that ideally should not be available in competitor offerings of offline offerings (David, 2006). Michael & Susan (2012) further states that in an E-commerce context the differential advantage and positioning can be clarified and communicated by developing an online value proposition. Simply speaking, OVP is the USP of the brand or the website, a strong OVP is a crucial way to attract new visitors into the site and decided to stay or leave, the decisions often made in minutes or even in seconds.Developing an OVP, involves: * Developing messages that reinforce core brand proposition and credibility * Communicate what a visitor can get from an online brand that other competitors can not offer or they cannot get offline (Micheal & Susan, 2012) Translate these theo ries into simply language, a good OVP should answer the questions ‘Why am I here? ’ ‘Does this site offer me what I need? ’ In the digital business environment, the competition is much fierce and intensive then ever before. How to stand out from the crowd in a matters of seconds when visitor first open the site become vital to success.There a great numbers of online clothing retailer, from high-street brand, such as Topshop, ASOS, to luxury brand, e. g. Net-a-porter, Browns. Being good is not enough to win the competition, a good OVP is essential for Oki-ni to survive in the competition. More than ten years passed the establishment of Oki-ni, the website is still focusing on menswear, more specifically, they aiming to discover and break the most inspiring brands and products available, while hosting them in an rich, inspiring and innovative environment. The home page of Oki-ni featuring a simplicity style filled with inspiration contents.Existing customer c an easily find what they want in a few clicks; in the meanwhile the video and music can attract the attention of new customer. The website keep updating its FEATURES section with vibrant and forward-thinking videos and music. There is no differentiated of so call ‘high-street’ or ‘luxury’ on Oki-ni’s product, customer can find shorts cost 20 pounds to a coat valued a few hundreds. But there is one thing in common, all product were carefully selected. Featuring more than cloth, customer can also buy books, CDs on the website.In order to keep a fresh look, Oki-ni redesign the website every six month, from layout to the content. To sum up, Oki-ni’s strong OVP is that they not only sell cloth, but the promote an innovation life-style. Online Revenue Model In the article, Business Models on the Web by professor Micheal Rappa (2006). He suggests that ‘business models are perhaps the most discussed and least understood aspect of the web. â€⠄¢ In this regards, he summarised the business model into the following * Brokerage * Advertising * Informediary * Merchant * Manufacturer * Affiliate Community * Subscription * Utility The revenue model may be different in these business model, some website get paid by doing advertising, some website generated income by subscription. In the case of Oki-ni, the revenue model is easy to identify, the company produce service and sell it to customer. When the revenues from sales exceed the operational cost, then the company gets profit. Comparing to store retailer, the website is relatively easier to operate. No rent, less labor cost, means the website can provide a much more competitive price than physical store.However, on the other hand, the maintaining of website post a great challenge to the company. Target Audience The company target a niche market of luxury product segment. Focusing on menswear only, the website sells a wide range of product from selective clothing line from Jap an, Italy, to limited edition CDs. There is no particular age range on the Oki-ni’s customers, the company targeting a small group who required a innovated and forward-thinking life-style, and willing to the pay a premium price for that.Customer Relationship Management The term of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is now much more frequently seen in the E-commerce article, what’s CRM? The followings are different CRM definitions by scholars CRM involves various different elements, which includes customer-prospecting, relationship with customers; interact between customer and business, understanding customer expectations, empowerment, partnerships, and personalisation, and son on. (Fjermestad & Romano, 2006).CRM is an enterprise approach to understanding and influencing behavior through meaningful communication in order to improve customer acquisition, customer retention, customer loyalty, and customer profitability. (Swift, 2006) So far, there is no universally ac cepted definition of CRM. It not a software or a service, it is an overall business strategy. Shanmugasundaram (n. d) identified that the three main components in CRM system, namely * Operational * Analytical * Collaborative Nowadays, not only global companies seeking helps from CRM, more and more SMEs (Small and Medium Size Enterprise) were implemented with CRMs.Oki-ni is no exceptional, the company used the first hand data not only to promote its product, but to provide a better service. From time to time, Newsletters were sent to customer, the content of those newsletters were not just about product information. Featuring styling tips, or invitations to special events, the company always try to encourage customer come to visitor site. Recommendation Running an E-commerce is far more complicated than just setting up a website, other than the business and the customer, it involves many their parties, such as vendor, supply chain, banking.Researcher found a rather interesting phenom enal when customer rated Oki-ni’s service, some customer give top rate on both delivery speed and money transaction. However, on the other hand, some customer extremely disappointed on their service quoted ‘the clothes arrived and were excellent although delivery is very slow’ (Ciao, 2007). The inconsistence performance may due to the delivery company and Oki-ni should try to avoid in the future. Moreover, there is more potential of the CRM waiting to be discovered. Oki-ni using CRM mainly on providing customer ervice and promoting products, CRM is much more than customer service, researcher suggest the company analyse the customer’s shopping behavior, such as what kind of brand they like the most, how frequently they shopped on the site, etc. to improve customer shopping experience. The company can also use the data to collaborative with other parties, such as bank, to improve online payment security, or delivery company, to improve performance. Lastly, t he competition of digital business environment is much more intensive than ever before.The OVP (Online Value Proposition) may be seems strong and unique at this moment, with successful of Oki-ni, more and more website will try to follow the same model. How to maintain the competitive edge is vital for the company’s future. Conclusion By discussing and critically reviewed the Oki-ni’s website, this paper take an insight into the digital business environment. In the Internet era, trading become much more easier, even individual can set up a website with the know-how and the equipment. However, the competition is much more intensive.E-commerce is a complex term that involved many aspects, the terms and concepts researcher discussed in this paper barely scratch the surface. with the fast advancing technology, new issues now raised, such as legal issue and Internet security. Concepts of CRM, Online business model may need further investigation in the future. Reference: Ciao . (2007). Review of Oki-ni. com. Available from: http://www. ciao. co. uk/Reviews/Oki_Ni_com__5315436 [Accessed 10 Nov, 2012]. Fjermestad, Jerry, and Nicholas C. Romano. (2006) Electronic Customer Relationship Management. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe,. Print. pp. 121-65 Internet World Stats, 2011. World Internet Usage Statistics News and World Population Stats. Available from: http://www. internetworldstats. com/stats. htm [Accessed 12 Nov. 2012]. Janice,Reynolds (2004). ’The Complete E-Commerce Book: Design, Build & Maintain a Successful Web-Based Business’. NewYork, Taylor & Francis. Print. pp. 268+. Jeremy, Rifkin. (2011). ‘The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World’. London, Palgrave Macmillan. Mamta, Bushry. (2005). ‘E-commerce. New Delhi, Firewall Media. Print. pp. 69 Mehdi, Khosrow-Pour. (2006) ‘Cases on Electronic Commerce Technologies and Applications. Hershey’, PA: Idea Grou p. Michael, Rappa (2006). ‘Business Models On the Web’. Available from: http://digitalenterprise. org/models/models. html [Accessed 9 Nov, 2012]. Ritendra, Goel. (2008) ‘Electronic Commerce Technology and Prosecpts. ’ E-commerce. New Delhi: New Age International Pvt. Swift, Ronald S. (2000) ‘Accelerating Customer Relationships: Using CRM and Relationship Technologies. ’ Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR. Print. pp. 25+Shanmugasundaram, S. (N. d) ‘Customer Relationship Management: Modern Trends And Perspectives’ New Delhi. PHI learning, Ltd. Vincent, Roca & Franck Rousseau. (2004). ‘Interactive Multimedia and Next Generation Networks: Second International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems’. Springer. Available from: http://www. springer. com/computer/information+systems+and+applications/book/978-3-540-23928-4? cm_mmc=Google-_-Book%20Search-_-Springer-_-0 [Accessed 8 Nov 2012]. Yuan, Gao (2 005). ‘Web Systems Design And Online Consumer Behavior’. London, Idea Group Inc.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Nouns can be a great asset when It pertains to dealing with large amounts of data and Its ability to be able to provide a better scalability and availability than the traditional READS can make It a plus. But the down side of the perks that Nouns provide may not make It the ultimate choice for many businesses. Nouns ability to deliver faster access to data and easily is also an advantage for data outrage.But due to its infrastructure of being nontraditional it raises concerns. Unlike most SQL systems Nouns is not formally structured as its counterparts simply meaning it does not store data in an organized plan such as tables and rows. This makes it easier to store data more easily with multiple servers with an improved scalability. Because Nouns lack of being structured in a formatted scheme it also lack confidentiality and integrity and the column or the rows cannot be segregated which may pose a challenge with user privileged access.Also, due to its scheme it lacks the capability o f producing real time operations. It would be easy to Imply many quick enhancements to the Nouns but then It would be a mall of the traditional Sol's. Add authentication support will Increase Its security capableness of Nouns. As mentioned Confidentiality and Integrity have to be provided solely by the application accessing the Nouns data. And overall stated MS. NoSQL Nouns can be a great asset when It pertains to dealing with large amounts of data and Its ability to be able to provide a better scalability and availability than the traditional READS can make It a plus. But the down side of the perks that Nouns provide may not make It the ultimate choice for many businesses. Nouns ability to deliver faster access to data and easily is also an advantage for data outrage.But due to its infrastructure of being nontraditional it raises concerns. Unlike most SQL systems Nouns is not formally structured as its counterparts simply meaning it does not store data in an organized plan such as tables and rows. This makes it easier to store data more easily with multiple servers with an improved scalability. Because Nouns lack of being structured in a formatted scheme it also lack confidentiality and integrity and the column or the rows cannot be segregated which may pose a challenge with user privileged access.Also, due to its scheme it lacks the capability o f producing real time operations. It would be easy to Imply many quick enhancements to the Nouns but then It would be a mall of the traditional Sol's. Add authentication support will Increase Its security capableness of Nouns. As mentioned Confidentiality and Integrity have to be provided solely by the application accessing the Nouns data. And overall stated MS.
Follys Antidote Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Follys Antidote - Essay Example t so many questions as to why war seems to have to exist and why an evolved and civilized society aware of the past would ever continue to make such blunders into war. If there are any answers or hope to be found, Schlesinger points to where they may be found, in the awareness of our history and importance of utilizing that awareness for there to be any kind of hope for us. Schlesinger, in his article ‘Folly’s antidote’ has presented historians as persons with limited vision. Historical facts as perceived by them seem to have their own version of history which change when their perception towards things or events change. It is true because history has unlimited mysteries lost in the ruins of the times. Therefore, every historian is able to unearth something new about the past, under the demand of the present. The permutation and combination of the cause and effect of the present, has a tendency to look towards the past for the answers, thus motivating the historians to look at the history from a new angle and decipher the past events leading to the present. It is important to know the history of a nation because it gives them a better understanding of the present and a wider scope to improve their future. The one lesson that history teaches is to remember that nothing remains the same. Change is the key to history and people and place evolve through time to emerge in different forms. The fact has been acknowledged by the late President of America, John F. Kennedy who had said â€Å"We must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent or omniscient  that we are only 6 percent of the world’s population; that we cannot impose our will upon the other 94 percent of mankind; that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity; and therefore there cannot be an American solution to every world problem†(Schlesinger). America seems to ignore the calls of the history and has repeatedly committed the folly of waging wars with Vietnam and
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Describing the Warfront Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Describing the Warfront - Essay Example Describing the Warfront The passage comes from the work of Walter Benjamin, One-Way Street, and Other Writings. It considers the narratives of a soldier in the war front. The narrator shows awareness of the concerns shared by the troops while on the fighting front. This includes the concern on death and fatal enemy assaults. It pointed out that narrator lives in fear over his life due to the depth of the risks. The narrator shows the ease upon which loss of life is achieved in his station. This stimulates concern in his entire session. At some point, he finds himself dreaming about the losses he might suffer upon his death. This is captured by use of a reflection of his childhood friend, whom he has not shared information for a long time. Understanding the depth from where the author gets his inspiration allow for the meeting of the interests aspired by his work. Such an interest is achieved through reflection of tone, wording and language used in the work. The caption allows for the reflection of the lives of the victims through their own words and flow of thoughts. A tone of anguish, fear and pain remain well relished in the entire caption. The author is portrays the entire concerns that remain attributed to the respective reflection through the aid of these virtues. This narrative holds the themes embraced by Walter Benjamin in his work. The narration is on a sad theme that involves reflection on fear and death in a single piece. The whole novel, One-Way Street, and Other Writings, has similar themes of sadness.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Isolation and Investigation of Catalase Lab Report
Isolation and Investigation of Catalase - Lab Report Example The enzymes are also applicable in various fields like medical applications and industrial applications. This report seeks to examine the effects of pH, temperature on the action of catalase enzyme. The change in pH is the degree in which an environment changes either from acidity to alkalinity or from alkalinity to acidity. When the environment becomes so acidic, it may completely inhibit enzymes from facilitating the reactions. The change in pH has an impact on the repulsive forced and the attractive forces and may completely change the shape and the size of the active sites such that the substrate molecules may fail to fit (Siow, 2009). This inhibits the chemical changes from taking place. The basic groups such as the nitrogen are protonated in an acidic condition and they are deprotonated in an environment that is basic and makes alterations in the electrical attractions that exists between the polar components. Catalase enzyme has an optimum pH value that it operates, beyond which it is inhibited. (Enger, Ross & Bailey, 2012). When catalase is added to the hydrogen peroxide, a reaction occurs producing oxygen gas. The experiment seeks to investigate the temperature effect on the enzymatic actions by measuring the level of oxygen produced within a given period of time (Vetiska, 2004). It is noted that enzymes work best between pH values ranging from 7 to 10 as illustrated in the table above. The rate of reaction increases as the pH increases from 5 to 7, which is a neutral point. As the pH continues to increase from 10 to 12, the rate of reaction starts to decrease and the volume of foam produced decreases. It was seen that as the ph changes from the optimum to alkaline range, the catalase enzymes lose the hydrogen ions (Crofts, 2013). Independent variable is the temperature of the environment, dependable variables is the catalase enzyme, and Constant variables are the time used and the amount of catalase used. The
Monday, August 26, 2019
Analysis of Strategic Information Systems Research Paper
Analysis of Strategic Information Systems - Research Paper Example Data is collected at all points which act as sources of data which is then converted into needed information during the data processing phase and this, in turn, is made available at an appropriate time when people managing the company needs it. Essentially, information management is all about providing the right information to the right person at the right time. However, due to various reasons that occupy and clutter happenings in the company, we find that the information gets lost in them. Information Management also loses sight of why, when and how the information is needed in order to get targeted output. This would mean that the information management strategy should be clearly in line with the management strategy of the company. Secondly, the information management strategy is needed to ensure that the entire department works in sync. This will become more pronounced when the strength of people in the department grows. The staff in the department needs to get tuned to the management requirements and the strategy that the management of the company has adopted in order to ensure that all the targets of the information needs are met by the department. In order to make sure that this happens, the information department needs to form a strategy which would repeatedly cross-check whether the company's goals and targets are aligned to the targets and goals of the department. Thirdly, information management strategy ensures that there are a clear plan and purpose in the operation of the information department. This will also make sure that everyone in the department knows their own roles and responsibilities. Moreover, when an issue props up, then everyone knows who has to take care of what and thereby ensures smooth incident management as well. Knowledge Management Strategy Every company and organization has its own specific knowledge that is created over a period of time. This happens to ensure the very survival of the company. Knowledge comes about in different ways and means. It resides in drawings, designs that the company makes and in their intelligence properties. All these add up to knowledge and this knowledge needs to be managed properly to ensure that it is available to people who are working in the company when they need it. Knowledge Management is defined as making available in the right knowledge or information or company proprietary data to the right person when he needs it. It is about not enabling knowledge to people who are not supposed to receive it. Much the same way, it is also about people receiving only what they are supposed to receive. Anything above this or below this is not knowledge management. Moreover, who is to receive what kind of knowledge is the strategy that the company would adopt. The company needs to decide how to secure its knowledge packets should be. In most cases, the major quantum of knowledge resides in very minor information.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The earthquake resistant concrete frame building with special focus on Dissertation
The earthquake resistant concrete frame building with special focus on beams and columns - Dissertation Example In this case the effective flange width should not exceed 1/4th the span of the beam The width of the web portion of the beam plus 16 times thickness of the slab The centre to centre distance between beams T beams should have a flange thickness with minimum one half the width of the web and flange width not more than four times the width of the web Coefficient K, k, j, p, for Rectangular Sections Beams with tensile and Compressive Reinforcing This kind of beams is generally used when the size of the beam is limited. The notations for detailing in both Iranian code and Euro code are same. The only difference is for the effective flange width which for Euro code is â€Å"beff†and for Iranian code b Beam Design According to Eurocode Design load 1.25*35 + 1.5*20 = 73.75 kN/m Bending Moment wl^2/8 = 73.75*6^2/8 = 331.9 kNm Shear Force wl/2 = 73.75*6/2 = 221.25 kN K 0.145 According to the research findings it can therefore be said that special condition should be followed when the beam elements are being designed such as the difference between rectangular beam and flanged beam should be known. Flanged beams are generally the rectangular beams which work with slabs and the part of slab element acts with the top part of the beam. If it is below the flange, then the section needs to be designed by taking into consideration the specific area of concrete section for compression part. The most crucial part in design is the design for flexure and shear. The flexure design has to be repeated twice, one for support condition and another for span condition. Shear force which acts to the beam can have a substantial deformation. This deformation occurs particularly to the both ends of the beam. The ultimate shear capacity Vn of a section of a beam equals the sum of the nominal shear strength of the concrete Vc and the nominal shear strength provided by the reinfo rcement Vs; that is, ÃŽ ¦Vn = Vc = Vs. The factored shear force Vu on a section should not exceed where ÃŽ ¦ = capacity reduction factor (0.85 for shear and torsion). Except for brackets and other short cantilevers, the section for maximum shear may be taken at a distance equal to d from the face of the support. The shear Vc carried by the concrete alone should not exceed 2√fc_ bwd is the width of the beam web and d, the depth of the centroid of reinforcement.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Team Participation - Scenario Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Team Participation - Scenario Analysis - Essay Example Team creation and development often offers an efficient environment which is considered to be ideal for encouraging teamwork, cooperation and motivation within the team members to greatly contribute towards the organization by delivering their best possible performances (The Team Building Directory, 2011). Conceptually, it would be tough for any individual to attain goals without team cooperation. It is considered essential for an individual to discuss and evaluate the pros and cons of his/her plan with the other individuals as in certain situations the rationality of a single individual or brain may fail in terms of making the correct decision (Project Smart, 2012). Thus, being in a team helps an individual to learn skills and talent of the teammates. With reference to the mentioned question it can be stated that an individual paper would have been better rather than just mentioning one’s name in a project which had no contribution of that individual. Contributing towards a p roject not only helps in developing confidence but also makes an individual aware regarding his/her capabilities. Joining a team and contributing nothing can be stated to be morally unethical. Once an individual becomes the part of the team, he/she must contribute towards the common goal which needs to be collectively attained as much as possible. Indulging in such activities which are considered to be unethical makes an individual lose his/her confidence regarding one’s competencies and skills. How is the importance of a team and its dynamics? The success of any organization largely depends on its ability to build an effective team. A single individual or an employee cannot perform all the responsibilities of the organization single handedly. Effective team in an organization motivates and creates cordial relation among the team members and enables them to perform their task efficiently (The Team Building Directory, 2011). It is equally important for the team members lucidly comprehend the responsibilities assigned to each members. In addition to this there also needs to exist a proper form of communication between the teammates in order to avoid the occurrence of conflicts among them. The different concepts and thoughts of the team members can be combined to reach the best suited decision which shall ultimately benefit the organization (Rosen, 2011). What are the benefits of being assigned to a team rather than picking the members of your team or volunteering to join a team? Being assigned to a team gives an opportunity to an individual to learn from its team members and acquire new skills. Volunteering to join a team may disturb the balance of the already existing team and may lead to conflicts between the new member and the existing members. Moreover, the role of each member is already assigned and the introduction of a new member may require the team leader to reassign the responsibilities among the team members which might prove to be cumbersome a nd may delay the particular project. Thus, being assigned to a team creates a sense of responsibility within the members and such accountability is found to motivate the team members to perform their assigned tasks efficiently. Moreover, an individual learns to work in groups and to accept greater responsibilities. An individual gets motivated by other teammates to work even in case of adverse situations. Thus, working in a team as a member teaches an
Friday, August 23, 2019
Problem Identification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Problem Identification - Essay Example Shortage of health care professionals in hospitals is currently one of the greatest challenges for Hallways hospital management. Hallways hospital has been experiencing the challenge of shortage of nurses for a while now, and the implications seem to be affecting the organization severely. The main contributing factor towards the shortage of nurses in Hallways hospital has been the poor remuneration for the nurses. Despite having many tasks to perform in terms of providing services to patients, the nurses never get proper remuneration that is equal to the effort they put in their work. With the poor remuneration, a majority of students joining collages prefer to pursue other courses that they believe offer better pay than the health care sector . The shortage of health care professionals in the hospital occurs, despite the health care industry growing at the rate of 2.5% faster than other industries annually (Cowen and Moorhead, 2011). The shortage of health care professionals has had severe implications for the hospital. First, with the few numbers of nurses, there is the aspect of overworking the nurses, making them fatigued. This has in turn contributed to poor service delivery to patients, which has in turn affected the hospital’s reputation (Buerhaus, Straiger and Auerbach, 2009). Secondly, considering that, the shortage of nurses is a problem that cuts across the health care industry, acquiring of the nurses has become a very complicated issue. Acquisition of nurses requires that one is able to offer appropriate remuneration and better working environment with better incentives. Majority of health care professionals require continuous training in order to enable them enhance their skills and knowledge pertaining to the provision of better and most effective health care services (Huston, 2009). This requires that anyone employing the health care professionals provide
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Where did I go wrong in life My independent life Essay
Where did I go wrong in life My independent life - Essay Example Life was too perfect and boring with no sense of adventure and excitement. Finally, my fervent application to numerous agencies bore fruit and my first joining letter came with an attractive pay cheque, with separate room rent. Informing my parents about my decision to move out to a separate apartment in the proximity of my office, I landed into a studio apartment. The feeling was one of elation and ecstasy, for there won't be anybody to check me litter the house, nor will my pa be here to switch off the music when I listen to it full blast. I can watch my favourite TV show, without having to battle over the remote with my brother. I am finally on my own and nobody can dictate me what to and what not to do. With a feeling of euphoria, I started my independent life, which lacked discipline and a complete chaos prevailed at my apartment. I often reach home late and called friends over, partying away the entire night, and go to work the next day without sleeping a wink.
Communication and the internet Essay Example for Free
Communication and the internet Essay Many people would say that the internet is the most important invention ever. The internet has changed the way many people live. Decades ago, no one would know that the internet even existed whereas nowadays every home has access to it. One of the main reasons internet was introduced was for communicating. There are many different forms of communication online today that people in the past wouldn’t have thought possible. Many people will say advancement in communications is a blessing because it allows for us to connect with families and friends from afar, enables us to express ourselves in many ways, provides a medium for meeting new people with similar interests, and increases our productivity. The internet has transformed all forms of communication since the beginning of its existence.. The internet was first used by the U.S military for communications purposes. The internet, from the communication point of view, has brought on new developments and techniques to keep in touch not only for individuals, but for businesses as well. An example of how the internet has impacted communication would be an example of doctors now communicating through live video feeds via the internet with patients or other doctors to diagnose patients or to even guide and advise surgeons through complicated procedures. Email (electronic mail) was one of the biggest breakthroughs in communication when the internet was introduced. With email, it became possible to send messages and letters across the world in a matter of seconds to the recipients address. As technology improved, it became possible to ‘attach documents, photographs and even sound clips or songs to emails which made mail by post redundant.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Effects of School Funding on Student Academic Achievement
Effects of School Funding on Student Academic Achievement Education Policy Analysis Maya Boyle Mike Robinson Introduction Background For the past 50 years, SAT scores for high schools across the nation have been steadily falling. Because the SAT is a fairly consistent method of testing the academic aptitude of high-school age children, this trend is concerning. As it stands, by the standards of the College Board, high school academics are preparing students less and less adequately for the rigours of secondary education. This paper seeks to address what policy initiatives can be taken by states to raise these scores. Research I hypothesised at the beginning of the study that per capita expenditures on primary and secondary education would have a significant effect on SAT scores. By using multiple data sets: population data from the US Census Bureau, education expenditure results from the Department of Education, a partial data set from STATA, and participation levels by the College Board, I amassed a collection of variables that I considered to be most valuable to determining the relationship between state education policy and SAT scores Mean scores of college-bound seniors The SAT Stacks of college test prep books Basic Conclusions By analysing what I determined to be the most significant factors affecting SAT performance, I concluded that the factor which could most effectively boost SAT scores came on the heels of SAT participation. SAT scores were strongly correlated with participation levels. A greater percentage of high school students taking the exam in each state resulted in a weaker performance. A disproportionately high number of high-scoring participants take the SAT whether or not initiatives are undertaken by state governments or schools to boost participation. Those students typically score higher. The increase in participation of students taking the SAT will come from a portion of the population who otherwise would transition straight to career paths out of high school. Education initiatives typically give these students an opportunity to take the test, and these students typically score lower. Ultimately, from a policy perspective, the best way to boost scores is to ready the portion of students who are being given the opportunity to take the SAT through funding and other education initiatives. It is useless for them to take the exam if all it does is prove that they are not ready for college. Literature Review Zajonic, Robert B., Bargh, John A. Birth order, family size, and decline of SAT scores. American Psychologist 79.1 (1989): 179-197. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. The survey of SAT scores and birth order demonstrated that a negligible fraction of the decline in SAT scores can be explained by changes in family dynamics. In general, SAT scores showed little variation with birth order and family size, which was far less than that which was found in other data sets. Murray, Charles, and Richard J. Herrnstein. Whats Really behind the SAT-Score Decline?. Public Interest 106 (1992): 32-56. This survey of SAT scores and population distinguished between the separate populations of high school students who took the SAT and those who did not. Suggested that the greatest effect on the SAT-score decline was the regression of academic capabilities of high-school age teenagers. This possibly came from the ‘dumbing-down’ of textbooks Wharton, Yvonne L. List of Hypotheses Advanced to Explain the SAT Score Decline. (1976). The hypotheses analysed in this study suggested that changes in schools, society, population, and an increase in problems with the tests themselves are the greatest contributors to the decrease in SAT Scores. A list of variables: â€Å"The first major category (changes in the schools) is further broken down into hypotheses related to curriculum, institutional policies, teachers, and students. The second major category (changes in society) lists hypotheses related to family, religion, civil rights, crisis of values, national priorities, economic, labor movement in education, and technological changes. (Abstract)†Model Objective In this report, I will attempt to determine which two variables would most significantly positively effect mean SAT scores in college-bound high-school adolescents. An exhaustive list of the variables I used were: Mean Composite SAT scores, Mean Verbal, Mean Math, Geographical Region (dummy variable), Population, Per pupil expenditures (primary and secondary education), Government education spending, Median household income, Percent of High School graduates taking SAT. Models The primary models I used to determine which two variables that could be affected by state education policy were: Regressing SAT scores against government spending and income Regressing SAT scores against state population and percentage of high school students who took the SAT Regressing SAT scores against per pupil expenditures on primary and secondary education and percentage of high school students who took the SAT Finally, I developed a model with each of the variables that ultimately seemed most relevant: Regressing mean SAT scores, controlling for population, per pupil expenditures, median household income, and the percent of students taking the SAT. Hypothesis Before I ran the regressions, I hypothesised that the main factors affecting SAT performance would be median household and per pupil expenditures for primary and secondary education. I anticipated that states with a higher portion of domestic wealth would score better because there would be more local money going into infrastructure, and assumed that states with higher levels of spending on primary and secondary education would be higher because they reflect a greater education initiative. Methodology/Data Testing the Hypothesis For each regression, I focused most specifically on the coefficient, t-statistic, and r-squared result. Regression 1 I hypothesised that an increase in government spending will increase states’ SAT scores, controlling for median household income Null hypothesis was not proven What does this mean? R-squared: accounted for about 1/4 of the variance Coefficients were both negative Government spending raises, SAT scores decrease As median income increased, SAT scores decreased T-statistics Both are statistically significant y=-6.62*1071+-4.4581992+1107.044 Regression 2 I hypothesised that larger states receive more funding, and thus would have higher scores. Additionally, more people would lead to greater variance in scores Null hypothesis was not proven What does this mean? R-squared: accounted for about 82% of variance Coefficients: Negative relationship between both population and participation T-statistics: Participation is highly significant, population minimally. y=-1.24*1061-2.82+1021 Regression 3 I hypothesised that primary/secondary education funding would significantly play a role on SAT scores. Additionally, a larger pool of participants accounts for a wider breadth of performance Null hypothesis was not proven What does this mean? R-squared accounted for about 82% of variance Coefficients: Weak, positive relationship with funding, yet a stronger negative relationship with student participation T-statistics: Participation is highly significant y=.00432771-1.9841922+999.483 Regression 4 I hypothesised that funding for primary and secondary education and the percentage of high school students who take the exam will be most important Hypothesis proven true What does this mean? R-squared: accounted for about 88% of variance Coefficients: Expense, Participation, and Region 1 were negatively correlated; all the rest had positive effects T-statistics: Only participation was under -1.96; Regions 2 and 4 were over 1.96. These were the most significant. The t-statistic of population was at -1.94, which I considered significant for the intents and purposes of this data. y=-1.36*1061 + .00002822 .00660463 + 1.7964 -2.05165 2.3291556 + 45.0287 + 23.81498 + 989.8613 Analysis Regression 1 Government spending as a whole ultimately does not aid SAT performance. Regardless of whether or not it builds infrastructure, it seems as if funds set aside specifically for primary and secondary education are the most necessary to boost SAT scores. Additionally, I determined that- at least when it comes to SAT scores in high schoolchildren, Wealth does not denote academic success. As was determined from the methodology of regression 1, the statistical relevance of income and insignificance of government spending led me to reason that income played a greater role in determining SAT scores than government spending. Further, I questioned if the results for regression 1 had anything to do with causality, because the states that score more poorly on SATs will receive more money from the government to ameliorate educational infrastructure. Regression 2 Participation was negatively correlated with SAT scores, and significantly so. I reasoned that a base participation rate includes a skewed population of students who intend to go to college regardless of domestic initiatives to send high school students to college before allowing them into the workforce. Therefore, if more students choose to take the SAT, those students will be those who had not necessarily planned their high school education to ready them for the SAT. There scores thus will be lower. Regression 3 While the results of my first regression clearly suggested that government spending as a whole has little to no effect on SAT scores, I aimed to determine that per pupil expenditures on education for primary and secondary schooling had a strong positive correlation with students’ SAT readiness. This was not the case. Government education expenditures was loosely correlated with SAT scores, but not significantly so. This result could possibly have come from different years of availability for each variable. Many of the variables were derived from an old STATA data set that suited my intents, but I added other variables to develop a more individual project. Government spending was one of these variables, and the data may have been more recent than others. Further, as was the case with regression 2, the levels of participation played a strong and significant factor in determining the rate at which students would score on the SAT. The t-statistic was highly significant, so I trust that this correlation is true. I expect the population shift that I described in my previous analysis will still stand. Regression 4 Ultimately, I determined that as much as I had hoped that income and per-pupil education expenditures would have strong effects on the scoring of high schoolers on the SAT, because such effects are easily fixable through initiatives. I was wrong. Expense and income both were determined to be insignificant, with expense ultimately having a negative correlation with SAT scores. This cannot show the whole picture, however. Wealthier states traditionally have stronger educational infrastructures and students who perform better on the SAT. I can only assume that wealthier states are those which have educational initiatives to give more students the chance to take the SATs in the first place, and thus have a pool of lower-scoring students. Conversely, students in states with low median incomes had to have a significant personal initiative to take the Test in the first place. Therefore, the relationship between income and infrastructure is that which renders the relationship negative. Tables Table 1: Table of Means Table 2: Description of Data Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -+ state | 0 region | 50 2.54 1.128662 1 4 pop | 50 4962040 5459782 454000 2.98e+07 area | 50 70759.14 85796.76 1045 570374 csat | 51 944.098 66.93497 832 1093 -+ vsat | 51 447.8431 31.87562 395 515 msat | 51 496.2549 35.58418 435 578 percent | 51 35.76471 26.19281 4 81 expense | 51 5235.961 1401.155 2960 9259 income | 51 33.95657 6.423134 23.465 48.618 -+ high | 51 76.26078 5.588741 64.3 86.6 college | 51 20.02157 4.16578 12.3 33.3 spending | 51 1.75e+07 2.03e+07 270000 1.03e+08 participat~n | 51 39.33333 32.1538 3 93 Table 3: Regression 1 Table 4: Regression 2 Table 5: Regression 3 Table 6: Regression 4 Table 7: College Board Participation Rates Table 8: College Board Participation Rates (cont.) Basically this isn’t really done. 80 Mount Holyoke CollegeSAT Scores: An Econometrics Perspective 1
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Business Intelligence :: essays research papers
Business Intelligence for competitive advantage In the beginning, businesses used information technology for automating the processes primarily to reduce labor costs. Subsequently, information technology is used for delivering information with speed and accuracy. Currently, businesses want to use the information effectively for competitive advantage to make better decisions that improve and optimize business processes, predict the market dynamics accurately, optimize forecasts to adequately maintain resources to name a few reasons. Businesses reached a critical juncture in global competition and the business intelligence capabilities and analytic prowess will play critical roles in the most competitive sectors of global economy. First of all, business intelligence analysis requires the capturing of information and storing in a single location for effective data analysis. Currently, data analysis is supported by transactional systems, business specific data marts, and other ad-hoc processes. Information is distributed making it difficult and time-consuming to access. Business teams have adapted to this environment by creating user maintained databases and manual â€Å"work-arounds†to support new types of reporting and analysis. This has resulted in inconsistent data, redundant data storage, significant resource use for maintenance, and inefficient response to changing business needs. A data warehouse comprised of disparate data sources enables the â€Å"single version of truth†through shared data repositories and standards and also provides access to the data that will expand frequency and depth of data analysis. Due to these reasons, data warehouse is the foundation for business intelligence. As a Technical Architect, I am involved in the design and development of the Enterprise Data Warehouse at Target. I and many of my colleagues worked hard to make the business case of the importance of the data warehouse and its value addition to the company.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Serial Killers Essay -- Essays Papers
Serial Killers Serial killers kill because of three patterns we see develop throughout their lives. These patterns are the development of youthful characteristics and habits, abusing events in their lives, and the final push. To be qualified as a serial killer one must murder more than three victims, one at a time, in a relatively short time period. The most common serial killers are white, heterosexual, sexually frustrated, young adult males with low self-esteem. Lester Ballard, the main character in Child of God, by Cormac McCarthy, displays these patterns as I have found it described in texts on serial killers. The earliest warning signs of serial killers can be traced back to their childhood. It is believed that the mind of a murderer is charged with a turbulence of emotions stored from early childhood (Abrahamsen 18). When these often repressed emotions are activated, the mind, particularly when aroused or frustrated, becomes violent, and so it is that a person who may appear quite normal and well adjusted on the surface, becomes possessed by a mind that murders (Abrahamsen 18). The study of 36 incarcerated killers by Robert Ressler, Ann Burgess, and John Douglas, which can be found in their book Sexual Homicide Patterns and Motives, found many common behavior indicators in their childhoods. These behaviors include daydreaming, compulsive masturbation, isolation, chronic lying, bed wetting, rebelliousness, nightmares, destroying property, fire setting stealing, cruelty to children, poor body image, temper tantrums, sleep problems, display assault toward adults, phobias, ru nning away, cruelty to animals, accident prone, headaches, destroying possessions, eating problems, convulsions, and... ...nd. New York: Harper and Row, 1973. Bardsley, Marilyn. Jeffrey Dahmer. Dark Horse Multimedia, 2000. Bell, Rachel. The Crime Library: Everything You Need to Know About Ted Bundy. Dark Horse Multimedia Inc, 2001. Mendoza, Antonio. Internet Crime Archives. 2000. McCarthy, Cormac. Child of God. New York: Vintage Books, 1973. Newton, Michael. Encyclopedia of Serial Killers. New York: Facts on File, 2000. Serial Killers Exposed. Serial Killers Info Polls. 2000. Winn, Steven. Ted Bundy, The Killer Next Door. New York: Buntam Books, 1979.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Comparing A Plea for Gas Lamps and Jekyll and Hyde :: comparison compare contrast essays
A Plea for Gas Lamps and Jekyll and Hyde     In "A Plea for Gas Lamps" Robert Louis Stevenson describes how, with the advent of urban gaslight, "a new age had begun for sociality and corporate pleasure seeking." Referring to the lamps as "domesticated stars," he describes the new lamplit city emerging gracefully as a festive public sphere in which "soft joys prevail" and "people are convoked to pleasure." Wolfgang Schivelbush connects such gaslit pleasure directly to commerce. "Gaslight offered life, warmth and closeness. This was true also of the relationship between light and the shop goods upon which it fell. They were close to each other, indeed, they permeated each other, and each enhanced the effect of the other."(153)  At the same time, however, the industrial uniformity of gas streetlighting made many uneasy. Like the railway, it represented a dehumanizing, centrally regulated urban infrastructure. "With a public gas supply, domestic lighting entered its industrial -- and dependent -- stage. No longer self-sufficiently producing its own heat and light, each house was inextricably tied to an industrial energy producer. . . . To contemporaries it seemed that industries were expanding, sending out tentacles, octopus-like, into every house."(28-29) This dread of uniformity became intensified as incandescent gas lighting, high pressure gas lighting (Robins 142), and finally electric arc-lighting grew more common in urban settings. People became immediately nostalgic for the flicker of gaslight, and the inhuman qualities of street lighting were directly associated with the brightness and uniformity of electric arc-lights. For Stevenson, the immediacy and central control of electric lighting transforms the city into a technological nightmare: "Our tame stars are to come out in future, not one by one, but all in a body and at once. A sedate electrician somewhere in a back office touches a spring -- and behold! . . . the design of the monstrous city flashes into vision -- a glittering hieroglyph many square miles in extent." The monstrosity of the city is defined by this sudden, startling uniformity, which obliterates the its pleasing variety, rendering it a vast, but simple design.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
A Dog’s Death Analysis Essay
The reason why I chose to write about of A Dog’s Death, is because it reminds me of a dog that I had growing up. Whenever the dog got sick my brothers, sisters and I would always think the worst about what happened to him when he got sick. Since we lived in the country on farm land there was always the possibility that he may have gotten hit by a car, bitten by a snake, or poisoned by neighbors that didn’t like him. In John Updike’s poem, â€Å"Dog’s Death†, the dog who dies in the poem and her owner expresses a sense of abandonment which illustrates the mourning of one who loses their dog. I think the approach for analyzing this poem will best fit for reflecting the imagination, tone, image, and similarly designed to reveal the tone I observed in the poem. The theme of â€Å"Dog’s Death†is based on the life and death of a family dog. When the author, John Updike starts at the beginning explaining how the dog might have gotten the fatal injury. This short paper will discuss the dog’s death as a theme for this short story. The beginning talks of the fatal injury that might have brought this family pet to her demise. The family thinks that she must have been kicked unseen or brushed by a car (Updike, Clugston, 2010). Imagination comes into play by speaking of the dog learning to use the potty on the newspaper, and then again it could also be that the paper was put down on the floor because the dog was suffering from diarrhea and didn’t have a chance to go on the newspaper either. It gives the reader a chance to think of a pet they once had and empathize with the writer about his dog dying (Clugston, 2010). The plot of the story is very similar to the theme of the story. The plot discusses the manner in which the dog dies, or the circumstances surrounding the dog’s death. The family continues to play and go on as if nothing is wrong with her. As the children went to school that Monday morning, the dog went under the bed. As the children went off to school in their minds she was ok until they see her underneath the youngest child’s bed lying in a heap. Holding the dog in his lap on the in car, he was stroking and rubbing her warm fur. One can see the image in their mind of the writer touching and looking at his pet using all of his senses of the dog lying in his lap dying (Clugston, 2010 pg. 2. 5). When the wife called out to her husband in tears one can feel the pain in the reading of the poem, especially one that has lost a pet. In an attempt to show a sign of life, the dog attempts to bite the hand of the owner that is caring for and holding the dog on the way to the vet’s office, but instead the dog dies. â€Å"In the poem, a young unnamed dog is just learning to be â€Å"good,†which the Speaker associates in particular with being house-trained: â€Å"She was beginning to learn/ to use the newspapers spread on the kitchen floor and to win, wetting there, the words,†Good dog! Good dog! The â€Å"shy malaise†that the speaker initially attributes to a shot reaction but turns out to be a ruptured liver is characterized as â€Å"her heart learning to lie down forever. †This last command is from nature rather than culture, however, and the poem frames the final moment of the dog’s death as the final contest between these two forces: the dog is ultimately disobedient, showing her untamed side by biting the speaker and by failing to heed the â€Å"imperious,†commanding tone of the speaker’s wife, who tries to call the dog back as she is dying, slipping from the realm of culture into that of nature. †The beginning of this story seems to be telling you about the dog learning to use the newspaper to go to the bathroom, but the actual message is the dog’s death. The very last part of the story talks of the dog not making it to the newspaper when the dog was nearing her death. In my criticism of the poem, this story could have given the reader more background of the story. What we do know is that she could have been kicked or brushed by a car is not enough information to really tell us what really happened to her. Besides the fact she had a ruptured liver. How did this happen? It could have been much more personal if the dog had a name in the story, as the only thing that brings the dog to reality is the fact that we are given the fact that she is a girl, there were children in the home, and the wife comforted her on the way to the vet.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Feminine Transformation In Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper†Essay
Fiction is often used as a vehicle to convey radical ideas to readers. These ideas are usually reflected in the themes of the stories so that the clarity of expression is more apparent. The theme of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†is quite unique in that it expresses feministic ideas in a seemingly ordinary situation. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†is a story that reveals various truths about the woman and chronicles the feministic transformation of this woman towards modern womanhood. Gilman employs the first person perspective in her story to allow her unnamed protagonist to reveal elements of her emotions that would otherwise be concealed from the audience. The protagonist, along with her physician husband and a certain Jenny move into a huge house for the purpose of her recovery from an illness; in the house the husband assigns a room for the both of them which is a large room with distinctive yellow wallpaper all over the walls. The protagonist is then disturbed by the wallpaper and begins to derive images from it which in turn is used as a metaphor for her feministic transformation. The earlier part of the tale reveals much about how the traditional woman actually is. The very first aspect of the traditional woman that one would easily notice from the text is a submissive personality. The lines, â€Å"But John says if I feel so, I shall neglect proper self-control; so I take pains to control myself – before him, at least, and that makes me very tired. †(Gilman) illustrate how the protagonist neglects her own feelings before her husband and this implies that if she prioritizes what her husband felt over what she felt, she was quite likely to do the same with other more menial things making her exceptionally submissive. Another aspect of the woman revealed in earlier parts of the tale is the feminine view on marriage. In the lines, â€Å"John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage. †(Gilman) the protagonist describes how her husband reacts to her when she complains about something weird in the house they were moving into. When the husband laughs, the protagonist concludes that this is normal when two people are married. In effect, the protagonist views marriage as an excuse for ridicule and the fact that she is married to someone requires that she accept that ridicule as part of being married. This is a strange perception on the part of the protagonist but because of the submissive attitude of this main character it is not surprising that she should think this way. Other than this, her submission even affects her desire to write as she conceals her writing, hence, the protagonist admits, â€Å"I did write for a while in spite of them; but it does exhaust me a good deal†(Gilman) because she had to write despite contradictions from her husband as this made her feel better. The decision of the protagonist to write expresses the protagonist’s, â€Å"struggle to throw off the constraints of patriarchal society in order to be able to write. †(Thomas) So, in these first few parts, the author describes the current state of the protagonist, where â€Å"Women were cast as emotional servants whose lives were dedicated to the welfare of home and family in the perservence of social stability†. (Thomas) In a way, the author even discreetly refers to the sexual inadequacies of the relationship by referring to a â€Å"nailed-down bed†in the lines, â€Å"I lie here on this great immovable bed – it is nailed down, I believe†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Gilman) Eventually, as the protagonist focuses her attention on the yellow wallpaper and the fact that her husband insists that they do not change it despite pleas from the protagonist, she begins to see the wallpaper as something else reflecting the bondage that she experienced from being isolated and treated inappropriately by her husband. This is quite clear in the lines, â€Å"Behind that outside pattern†¦a woman stooping down and creeping about behind that pattern. †(Gilman) Here, the protagonist initially describes a woman apparently caged behind the wallpaper patterns. While this could be images within the protagonist’s mind, it definitely reflects how she feels being in the room and in her situation. This image of bondage is further amplified by the lines, â€Å"At night in any kind of light†¦worst of all by moonlight, it becomes bars! The outside pattern I mean, and the woman behind it is as plain as can be. †(Gilman) It is at this point that the protagonist expresses an intrinsic feeling of bondage because she is not able to express it outwardly, and so, projects the feeling unto the wallpaper. This particular incident, â€Å"is a reaction to the lack of free agency that women had in the late 1800’s â€Å". (Gilbert) Soon, days before the last day the couple was to spend in the mansion, the protagonist breaks free and becomes a new, more liberal woman. This is implied in the lines, â€Å"I pulled and she shook, I shook and she pulled, and before morning we had peeled off yards of that paper;†(Gilman) which the protagonist used to describe her peeling off the paper. During the motions she admits to helping the woman behind the patterns but indirectly, this implies that the woman she was helping was herself. The act, therefore, of tearing the wallpaper was parallel to freeing the woman behind the patterns, and so, freeing herself from her personal bondage. (Garcia) The protagonist, hence, went from being a traditional woman to a liberated woman in her feminist transformation, even when the conclusions of the story seemed to imply that the protagonist had lost her mind because of the isolation, hence, the lines, â€Å"†I’ve got out at last,†said I, â€Å"in spite of you and Jane. And I’ve pulled off most of the paper, so you can’t put me back! †(Gilman) where she had finally fused her own persona with the persona of the woman behind the patterns. Quite obviously, the textual evidence in this tale consistently describe the struggles of a woman from being the kind enslaved by a patriarchal society to someone who was able to express her own individuality, albeit, unconventionally. The story very clearly describes how one woman transformed gradually from being traditional to being the new or modern woman. ? Works Cited Garcia, Viola. â€Å"Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†. †fgcu. edu. N. p. , 2009. Web. 1 Aug. 2010. . Gilbert, Kelly. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper: An Autobiography of Emotions by Charlotte Perkins Gilman . †fgcu. edu. N. p. , 2009. Web. 1 Aug. 2010. . Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper. †EastoftheWeb. com. N. p. , 2006. Web. 1 Aug. 2010. . Thomas, Deborah. â€Å"The Changing Role of Womanhood: From True Woman to New Woman in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†. †fgcu. edu. N. p. , 2009. Web. 1 Aug. 2010. .
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